Data Privacy Policy

This policy details the Royal Australian and New Zealand College’s (RANZCOG) ongoing obligations to you with respect to how RANZCOG manages your data and/or personal information, as collected through the RANZCOG Fetal Surveillance Education Program (FSEP) website. RANZCOG is committed to ensuring the privacy of individuals, in accordance with applicable privacy principles, that is, the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) set out in the Privacy Act 1998 (Cth) and the Information Privacy Principles (IPPs) contained in the Privacy Act 2020 (NZ) and the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation.

(i) What Data do we collect?

(a) Identifiable Information

Through the RANZCOG FSEP website, RANZCOG may collect personal information such as names, addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, and any other personal information provided by you through your use of this website.

(b) De-identified Information

The RANZCOG FSEP website also uses Google Analytics to collect data, including cookies, from its users, and may record such types of data, which includes but is not limited to:

  • Unique visitors and their number and timing of sessions;
  • Requested pages, downloads, search terms used, posted forms, status and errors, hits and bytes downloaded per directory, file, and file type;
  • Entrance pages, exit pages, click paths, click to and click from and length of session;
  • Domains, IP addresses and the city/countries from which access occurs;
  • Devices used for access; and
  • Browsers, platforms, and bots.

Any such personal data collected by RANZCOG is de-identified at the time of recording, and is used for administrative purposes, including to improve and assess services, monitor usage patterns, and to improve navigation and design features of the FSEP website.

(ii) Why do we collect Data?

RANZCOG will only collect personal information to assist in the undertaking of a particular function or activity, as requested by you through the use of this website. Functions and activities undertaken by RANZCOG through the FSEP website include but are not limited to:

  • Delivering and providing services, such as membership services and benefits and maintaining associated records;
  • Providing goods, such as teaching tools, guidelines, and merchandise;
  • Enabling planning, policy and service development and marketing, advertising or otherwise promoting the College;
  • Providing assessment processes for the Online Fetal Surveillance Education Program (OFSEP);
  • Implementing, monitoring and maintaining quality assurance processes and systems, as well as processes and systems concerning regulatory matters, registrations, accreditation, audits, risk and claims management (including dealings with insurances);
  • Procuring funding or other support for the activities of the College;
  • Enabling internal administration, training, assessments, and review of any related processes; and
  • Conducting or facilitating research or surveys for purposes related to the College and/or one or more of the above activities.

RANZCOG may disclose personal information amongst its staff, officers, committees, and other bodies where appropriate and necessary in carrying out your enquiry and also to better achieve RANZCOG’s primary, secondary, or ancillary functions. Where disclosure takes place, RANZCOG seeks to ensure that personal information is handled appropriately. RANZCOG may also disclose your personal information to certain third parties in order to provide or undertake any services that may be requested by you. The types of third parties to whom your personal information may be disclosed include, but are not limited to:

  • Providers of goods and services to RANZCOG;
  • Entities and institutions who provide services or undertake activities in conjunction with or in association with RANZCOG;
  • Regulatory authorities and bodies, professional or specialist societies and associations, hospitals and health centres;
  • Where the law requires or permits the College to do so; and
  • An individual’s agent (with an individual’s authority).

Personal information disclosed in these circumstances will be for the contracted purpose, and these third parties will be required to protect your information in the same way and to the same standards as RANZCOG. Failure by the third party to act in accordance with this Data Privacy Policy and the RANZCOG Privacy Policy & Procedure may result in termination of its relationship with RANZCOG. RANZCOG takes no responsibility nor incurs any liability for the errors and/or omissions by third parties.

Disclosures may also be made to other third parties, including advisers, funders, and regulatory authorities. RANZCOG may be required from time to time to disclose personal information to third parties located overseas. If disclosure is required, these overseas third parties will be required to protect your personal information in accordance with the relevant data privacy legislation and regulations of the State or Country which these third parties are located in.

RANZCOG will also collect de-identified data through Google Analytics to deliver, maintain, and improve services provided by the RANZCOG FSEP website, for example, the processing of terms searched on the website in order to return results, and tracking outages or troubleshooting issues reported by you.

(iii) How do we collect Data?

Personal information may be collected through the enquiry form available on the RANZCOG FSEP website. RANZCOG will ensure that this information will be stored in a manner that reasonably protects it from misuse, loss, unauthorised access, or disclosure. When this information is no longer needed for the purpose for which it was obtained, RANZCOG will take reasonable steps to destroy or permanently de-identify your personal information. However, this type of personal information may be securely stored by RANZCOG and kept by us for a minimum of seven (7) years.

All specific requests for personal information from a third party will be documented. Otherwise, RANZCOG will not disclose your data and/or personal information unless required or authorised by law.

Other personal data, examples of which are provided in section (i) of this Policy and are collected by Google Analytics, will be stored securely by Google and retained for different periods of time depending on what it is. Most of the data collected is anonymised automatically at the time of recording, and some of this data may be deleted automatically as well. Other data will be retained for longer periods of time when necessary for legitimate business or legal purposes, and this data may be kept for a minimum of seven (7) years.

This Data Privacy Policy went into effect in 2024 and was last updated in 2024.