+61 3 9412 2958 fsep@ranzcog.edu.au
FSEP does not manage the hospital’s registration. To join a session, please contact the organiser listed.

Bendigo Health Care Group

Please contact Maree Lines or Belinda Rosaia, Clinical Midwifery Educators at the hospital to enquire/register for the session. E: midwiferyeducator@bendigohealth.org.au

Calvary Lenah Valley Hospital

Please contact Ann-May Horne, Clinical Nurse Educator at the hospital to enquire/register for the session. P: 03 6278 5454

Wimmera Base Hospital [Horsham]

Please contact Sarah Birtles, CNE - Prof. Development at the hosptial to enquire/register for the session. E: sarah.birtles@gh.org.au

Christchurch Hospital

Please contact at Rhonda Robertson or Tina Hewitt, Midwifery Educators at the hospital to enquire/register for the session. E: education.mat@cdhb.health.nz P: +64 3 364 4730

Barwon Health Geelong

Please contact Jamie-lee Luckham/Hollie Callahan, Clinical Midwifery Educators at the hospital to enquire/register for the session. E: maternity.educator@barwonhealth.org.au P: 03 4215 1882

The Townsville Hospital

Please contact Johanna Quigley, Midwifery Educator at the hospital to enquire/register for the session. E: johanna.quigley@health.qld.gov.au

The Townsville Hospital

Please contact Johanna Quigley, Midwifery Educator at the hospital to enquire/register for the session. E: johanna.quigley@health.qld.gov.au

Armadale Health Service

Please contact Debra Jeavons or Alissa Schwabe, Nurse Educators at the hospital to enquire/register for the session. E: AHS.WCNSDE@health.wa.gov.au

Bundaberg Hospital

Please contact Annette Baldry, Midwifery Educator at the hospital to enquire/register for the session. E: Annette.Baldry@health.qld.gov.au P: 07 5150 2281

The Northern Hospital

Please contact the Education Enquiries department at the hospital to enquire/register for the session. E: EducationEnquiries@nh.org.au

Bundaberg Hospital

Please contact Annette Baldry, Midwifery Educator at the hospital to enquire/register for the session. E: Annette.Baldry@health.qld.gov.au P: 07 5150 2281