Journal Articles / Publications


Immediate and longer-term impacts of fetal surveillance education on workforce knowledge and cognitive skills (M. Beaves et. al. MedEdPublish 2023)


Intrapartum fetal surveillance education in Victorian hospitals revisited (S. Tedesco et. al. ANZJOG 2020)


Graphical Item Maps: Providing clearer feedback on professional exam performance (M. Beaves et. al. MedEdPublish 2018)


The Fetal Bradycardia (M. Beaves O&G Magazine Winter 2017 Vol. 19 No. 2)


Neonatal Outcomes after Introduction of a National Intrapartum Fetal Surveillance Education Program: A Retrospective Cohort Study (L. Brown et. al. The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Outcomes 2016)


Has the incidence of hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy in Queensland been reduced with improved education in fetal surveillance monitoring? (S. Byford et. al. ANZJOG 2014 vol. 54 Issue 4 pp 348-53)


Fixed or Mixed? A Comparison of Three, Four and Mixed-option Multiple Choice Tests in a FSE Program (N. Zoanetti et. al. BMC Medical Education 2013 13:35)


Rasch Scaling Procedures for Informing Development of a Valid FSEP Multiple Choice Assessment (N. Zoanetti et. al. BMC Medical Education 2009 9:20)


Participant evaluation of the RANZCOG Fetal Surveillance Education Program (A. Kroushev et. al. ANZJOG 2009 vol. 49 Issue 3 pp. 268-273)


A Survey of Intrapartum Fetal Surveillance Education Practices in Victorian Public Hospitals (M. Beaves et. al. ANZJOG 2007 vol. 47 Issue 2 pp. 95-100)


Audit Report: Intrapartum CTGs – An Interview with Bruce Warton CMO of GV Health (J. Scott O&G Magazine Spring 2005 Vol. 7 No. 3)