
The RANZCOG FSEP assessment was primarily developed as a teaching tool. RANZCOG has not applied a pass or fail mark to the FSEP assessment.

For more detailed information regarding the development of the FSEP assessment, please refer to the published article, Rasch Scaling Procedures 2009.

The FSEP assessment is not an assessment of clinical competency. This is because competency in clinical practice cannot be readily assessed in a written MCQ test. It is, however, a reliable assessment of certain fetal surveillance knowledge and the cognitive skills associated with that knowledge. As such, it may be used by some hospitals as a component of competency assessment.

The results of the FSEP assessment are reported to the individual and the hospital (where appropriate) as a raw score and as a practitioner level. The practitioner level is provided as a guide to where you should be scoring based on your clinical role. A Level 3 score in the assessment does not necessarily imply that the individual can practice as a Level 3 practitioner. Rather, the practitioner level requires an appropriate test score as well as the necessary clinical skills and experience. Please read FSEP Score & Practitioner Levels.

Each participant will receive a result letter, certificate of attendance and their individual Graphical Item Map (GIM) approximately 10 working days after completing the education session.

The GIM is designed to help identify potential strengths and weaknesses in fetal surveillance, as determined from the FSEP assessment undertaken. The questions are grouped into broad subject headings to guide you to the educational resource that may provide you with the information necessary to answer questions within that subject heading correctly. This would include resources such as our online program, OFSEP, book or mobile apps. Please read Explanation of GIM.

Please refer to the FSEP Results Management Algorithm for more information about the management of FSEP results.

Watch the video below on How to Interpret your GIM (please turn on audio):

Managing test anxiety

For more information regarding recognising or managing test anxiety, download The University of Sydney’s learn to manage exam anxiety guide.

Assessment resources

Rasch Scaling Procedures for informing development of a valid FSEP multiple choice assessment 2009

FSEP Score & Practitioner Levels

Explanation of GIM

FSEP Results Management Algorithm

Learn to manage exam anxiety


FAQs for the Assessment