CTG Fundamentals Program

The FSEP CTG Fundamentals Program is designed specifically to assist clinicians who have yet to achieve a Level 1 or Level 2 practitioner score on their FSEP MCQ assessment (Scoring and Reporting of FSEP Assessment). The program focuses heavily on the basic CTG components and principles. This session is conducted in a small group size and there is increased discussion time allocated throughout the day. Participants in the CTG Fundamentals program also complete the FSEP MCQ assessment at the end of the session. The CTG Fundamentals program may also be suited to smaller rural centres where there is limited exposure to intrapartum CTGs.

CTG Fundamentals Program Outline

The utero-placental function and fetal heart rate control
 1 hour 30 minutes

 Short Break
 15 minutes

 The normal CTG and an introduction to the abnormal CTG
 2 hour 15 minutes

 Meal Break
 30 minutes

 The abnormal CTG, with an emphasis on decelerations, interpretation and management
 1 hour 15 minutes

 CTG Workshop and Discussion
 1 hour 15 minutes

 Course Evaluation and 60 MCQ assessment
 1 hour

Total 8 hours