Pacific Program

The FSEP Pacific Program is primarily designed for doctors, midwives and trainees with access to CTG machines in the Pacific Islands. The program is based around an understanding of uteroplacental function and the physiology of fetal heart rate control. It also includes the normal CTG, the importance of the complete clinical picture in CTG interpretation and management, the abnormal CTG and a case-study workshop.

In recognition that not all Pacific Island hospitals have access to CTGs, there is an emphasis on the importance of accurate and appropriate intermittent auscultation and the information on fetal condition this assessment can provide. The session will be tailored to suit the needs of the participants, but the basic program outline is below.

Pacific Program Outline

The utero-placental unit and fetal heart rate control
 1 hour 30 minutes

 Short Break
 15 minutes

 The normal CTG and an introduction to the abnormal CTG
 1 hour 45 minutes

 Meal Break
 30 minutes

 The abnormal CTG focussing on decelerations, interpretation and management
 1 hour

 CTG Workshop Discussion and Course Evaluation
 1 hour

Total 6 hours