+61 3 9412 2958 fsep@ranzcog.edu.au

Rockhampton Hospital

Rockhampton Hospital QLD

Please contact the Education & Research Unit at the hospital to enquire/register for the session. E: cqhhs_educationresearch@health.qld.gov.au

Albury Wodonga Health [Wodonga Campus]

Albury Wodonga Health [Wodonga Campus]

Please contact Belinda Andrews, CSN at the hospital to enquire/register for the session. E: belinda.andrews@awh.org.au

Ipswich Hospital

Please contact Carlie Ryan, Midwifery and Neonatal Educator at the hospital to enquire/register for the session. E: carolyn.ryan2@health.qld.gov.au

Joondalup Private Hospital

For internal staff only Please contact MyLearning Team at the hospital to enquire/register for the session. P: 1800 560 556 E: mylearning@ramsayhealth.com.au

The Townsville Hospital

The Townsville Hospital 100 Angus Street, Douglas

Please contact Sue Lawton, Midwifery Educator at the hospital to enquire/register for the session. E: susan.lawton@health.qld.gov.au Ph: 07 4433 0855