Please contact Laura Collins, Events and Professional Development Lead at RANZCOG to enquire/register for the session. E: lcollins@ranzcog.org.nz

Whanganui Hospital

Please contact Jo McDonnell, Midwifery Educator at the hospital to enquire/register for the session. E: Jo.mcdonnell@wdhb.org.nz P: +64 6 825 1998

Mildura Base Hospital

Please contact Rhianna Duncan, Midwifery Educator at the hospital to enquire/register for the session. E: rduncan@mbph.org.au

Caboolture Hospital

Please contact Christine Holm, Midwifery Educator at the hospital to enquire/register for the session. E: christine.holm@health.qld.gov.au P: 07 5433 8145

Sunshine Hospital [Western Health]

Please contact Hayley Pohatu, Education & Learning Manager – Women’s & Children’s Services at the hospital to enquire/register for the session. E: Hayley.Pohatu@wh.org.au M: 0466 489 687

St Vincent’s Private Hospital Fitzroy

Please contact Nicole Lebbos, Maternity Education Consultant at the hospital to enquire/register for the session. E: nicole.lebbos@svha.org.au

Frankston Hospital [Peninsula Health]

Please contact Aimee Churcher, Clinical Midwifery Educator at the hospital to enquire/register for the session. E: achurcher@phcn.vic.gov.au

Narrogin Hospital

Please contact Melanie Woodhams, Staff Development Midwife at the hospital to enquire/register for the session. M: 0477 220 949

Redcliffe Hospital

Metro North Health and Hospital Service staff only. Please contact Amy Shepherd, Midwifery Educator at the hospital to enquire/register for the session. E: elizabeth.shepherd@health.qld.gov.au P: 07 3883 7676

Beleura Private Hospital

For Ramsay Health staff and a maximum of five external MWs. Please contact Learning & Organisational Development to enquire/register for the session. E: learningorgdev@ramsayhealth.com.au P: 1800 560 556

Greenslopes Private Hospital

For Ramsay Health staff and a maximum of five external MWs. Please contact Learning & Organisational Development to enquire/register for the session. E: learningorgdev@ramsayhealth.com.au P: 1800 560 556